1-Kg Satchel Charge
Notes: This is a
cloth or plastic bag containing a 1-kilogram block of plastic explosive or 4
sticks of dynamite. An M2A1 timer
is included, though other methods of igniting the satchel charge can be used.
Anyone with Combat Engineer or Demolitions skill can make a satchel
charge in 15 minutes. (Easy task).
It can be tamped.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
1 kg Satchel Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
1.2 kg |
$50 |
C8 B20 |
4/16 |
6 |
Dynamite |
1.2 kg |
$60 |
C7 B20 |
3/14 |
4 |
2-Kg Satchel Charge
Notes: This is a
larger version of the above charge.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
2 kg Satchel Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
2.25 kg |
$80 |
C12 B28 |
6/24 |
12 |
Dynamite |
2.25 kg |
$100 |
C10 B28 |
5/20 |
8 |
3-Kg Satchel Charge
Notes: The
largest charge normally carried by personnel other than engineers.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
3 kg Satchel Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
3.25 kg |
$110 |
C15 B36 |
8/30 |
18 |
Dynamite |
3.25 kg |
$140 |
C12 B38 |
6/24 |
12 |
9-Kg Satchel Charge
Notes: A charge
designed for spur-of-the-moment demolition work.
US M2 and M112 plastic explosive blocks are packaged in cases of two 9-kg
satchel charges, without fuses
installed. This charge is designed
to be carried as a backpack. The
charge actually has only 8kg of explosive, and dynamite charges are not
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
9kg Satchel Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
9.07 kg |
$300 |
C26 B36 |
13/52 |
54 |
Alstex F-1 Cutting Charge
Notes: These are
cutting charges resembling metal boxes with deep V-shaped cuts in one side.
They attach to a structure with magnetic strips or metal bands.
They are manufactured in France and use Hexolite.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Alstex F-1 Heavy |
Shaped Charge |
13 kg |
$500 |
C24 B36 |
Nil/100 |
48 |
Alstex F-1 Medium |
Shaped Charge |
2.5 kg |
$80 |
C10 B28 |
Nil/60 |
8 |
Alstex Demolition Charges
Notes: These are
the standard demolition charges of France, Belgium, and several allied and
client nations. They are simple
blocks of explosive or bags consisting of several blocks of plastic explosive.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Alstex 0.25 kg Block |
Plastic Explosive |
0.25 kg |
$7 |
C4 B20 |
2/8 |
1 |
Alstex 0.5 kg Block |
Plastic Explosive |
0.5 kg |
$15 |
C6 B20 |
3/12 |
3 |
Alstex 1 kg Block |
Plastic Explosive |
1 kg |
$30 |
C8 B20 |
4/16 |
6 |
Alstex 1 kg Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
1 kg |
$50 |
C8 B20 |
4/16 |
6 |
Alstex 5 kg Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
5 kg |
$170 |
C19 B36 |
9/38 |
30 |
Alstex 50 kg Case Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
50 kg |
$1250 |
C61 B52 |
30/122 |
300 |
Demex 400
Notes: Demex 400
is basically high-explosive (normally RDX-based, mixed with a plasticizing
agent) which is put into a calking gun or a toothpaste-type tube and extruded as
necessary. This makes for a very
controlled application of explosive which is more precise and more powerful than
primercord. Demex 400 makes a good
cutting charge for thinner materials, as well as a breaching explosive for
certain walls or to blow out windows.
It is detonated by blasting cap or primercord.
The damage and penetration statistics below are for a 1-meter, one line
application of Demex 400. Some
other countries probably also have similar explosive to Demex 400.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Demex 400 (Caulk Tube) |
High Explosive |
0.29 kg |
$18 |
C2 B3 |
4/17 |
4 |
Demex 400 (Toothpaste Tube) |
High Explosive |
0.13 kg |
$8 |
C2 B3 |
4/17 |
4 |
Detasheet C
Notes: This is a
sheet of PETN-based high-explosive (other manufacturers offer an RDX-based
variant, which is slightly more powerful).
The Detasheet C is about an inch (2.54 centimeters) thick in its base
form, and has a flexible rubber-like consistency which makes it ideal for
blowing holes in walls, blowing out windows, or covering items so they may be
destroyed. When cut into strips, it
is also ideal for use as a cutting charge.
The Detasheet C may be tamped, and any amount may be bound together to
make larger charges. It may be cut
with a knife or heavy-duty scissors to make smaller charges.
It is a very stable explosive product, insensitive to small-arms fire,
heat, water, pressure, or simple concussion.
It is detonated with a blasting cap or primercord.
The unfortunate drawback to Detasheet C is its expense compared to
standard explosives. The data below
is for a 1x1-meter sheet.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Detasheet C (PETN) |
High Explosive |
7.5 kg |
$338 |
C10 B25 |
25/50 |
51 |
Detasheet C (RDX) |
High Explosive |
7.5 kg |
$373 |
C11 B28 |
28/56 |
57 |
Flexible Linear Shaped Charge
Notes: This
charge is intended to blast holes in thin (about 2 inches, or 5.08 centimeters)
steel plate, walls, wood, logs and trees, cables, chains, etc.
It is basically a core of PETN, like a primercord, enclosed in a seamless
lead sheath. The sheath and the
explosive are shaped in the form on an inverted V, and this makes it a shaped
charge when placed against an obstacle.
The optimum standoff distance for this charge is 7.9 millimeters (about a
third of an inch), but nothing is supplied in the charge kit to achieve this
standoff. However, anything from
foam rubber strips or thin plastic hose to sticks may be used to achieve this
standoff; soft, flexible materials are preferred, since they can provide a good
seal against the obstacle. If
necessary, the charge may be placed directly against the obstacle, at reduced
(75%) effectiveness. Detonation of
the flexible linear shaped charge is accomplished by blasting caps, primercord,
or various firing device; generally, anything that will detonate primercord will
detonate this charge. The charge is
automatically considered tamped.
The flexible linear shaped charge is packed in 20-foot (6.1-meter) or 30-foot
(9.14-meter) spools, generally two spools per box.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Flexible Linear Shaped Charge (6.1-meter Spool) |
High Explosive |
0.43 kg |
$114 |
C3 B6 |
NA/30 |
18 |
Flexible Linear Shaped Charge (9.14-meter Spool |
High Explosive |
0.64 kg |
$171 |
C5 B10 |
NA/36 |
27 |
Foo Gas
This is a pipe,
or more commonly, a 55-gallon drum of electrically detonated napalm.
Its detonation causes a brief sheet of fire (similar to a flamethrower)
to shoot upward. Foo gas was
developed for perimeter defense during Vietnam, and was used extensively by US
Special Forces during that war. Foo
gas comes in modified 55-gallon drums, which can be interlocked or chained.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Foo Gas |
Incendiary |
50 kg |
$150 |
C2 B6 |
Nil/Nil |
110 |
Frame Charge
Notes: A
prepared explosive charge used to blow in locked windows or doors, even those
equipped with metal bars or metal plate up to 20mm thick.
It requires two phases (10 seconds) to emplace (using prefitted
double-sided tape or an internal wooden brace), and can be command or remotely
detonated, or rigged with a timer.
The charge can also be used to blow holes in walls, provided they are not too
thick. The charge automatically
counts as tamped.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Frame Charge |
Shaped Charge |
2 kg |
$100 |
C1 B0 |
Nil/8 |
6 |
Giat F-1 Cutting Charges
Notes: These are
newer charges used by France and her allies.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Giat F-1 (Light) |
Shaped Charge |
6.8 kg |
$150 |
C9 B28 |
Nil/32 |
30 |
Giat F-1 (Medium) |
Shaped Charge |
7.25 kg |
$220 |
C12 B28 |
Nil/60 |
44 |
IMI Demolitions Blocks
Notes: These
blocks of TNT have been in long use by the Israelis.
They are also in common use throughout the world, and are thus “deniable”
by both Mossad assassination teams and terrorist organizations.
These are prepared with fuses for quick use.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
IMI Demolitions Block #3 |
0.47 kg |
$23 |
C5 B20 |
2/10 |
2 |
IMI Demolitions Block #4 |
0.22 kg |
$11 |
C3 B12 |
2/7 |
1 |
KZ-2 Shaped Charge
Notes: This is a
Russian cutting and cratering charge, using a plastic explosive known as RDX.
It is considered to be tamped.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
KZ-2 |
Shaped Charge |
18 kg |
$400 |
C13 B16 |
Nil/54 |
60 |
M1 Chain Charge
Notes: This
World War 2-era demolition charge is still employed by some third-world
countries. It consists of eight
blocks of tetrytol-based high explosive strung together with primercord in a
flexible chain. Each end of each
block also has a tetryl booster pellet surrounding the primercord channel.
The charge may be applied as a unit, or cut apart into smaller charges.
The M1 is suited for general demolition work and for use as a cutting or
line charge. Each block of tetrytol
is 11 inches (27.94 centimeters) long, and the entire charge is 16 feet (4.88
meters) long. The tetrytol
explosive is relatively insensitive to water (becoming useless only after 24
hours of direct exposure to water), making it quite useful to UDT, naval special
operations, and marine forces, but it is otherwise very unstable and must be
protected against heat, flame, and severe drops.
The charge generally comes packed in canvas haversack.
Statistics below are for a complete charge.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
M1 Chain Charge |
High Explosive |
13.25 kg |
$748 |
C78 B156 |
64/240 |
51 |
M1A1 Bangalore Torpedo
Notes: This is
essentially a steel pipe filled with explosive.
Each kit contains seven two-meter sections and a dummy section.
Used primarily for clearing paths through barbed wire, it is also useful
for making footpaths through minefields.
The sections may be joined to clear a 15-meter path, with the dummy in
front to prevent boobytraps from setting off the torpedo while it is being
pushed through the obstacle. A
torpedo will clear a two-meter-wide path through wire and a one-meter path
through a minefield -- sufficient for a footpath.
It requires a demo kit to detonate.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
M1A1 Bangalore Torpedo |
15 kg |
$3000 |
C20 B20 |
16/64 |
32 |
M2A3/A4 Shaped Charge
Notes: This is a
smaller version of the M3A1 Shaped Demolition Charge.
It is used when a larger charge is not called for.
The M2A3 shaped charge is 50/50 pentolite explosive, which can be set off
by small arms fire; the M2A4 is based on Composition B plastic explosive and is
not sensitive to small arms hits, though it does have a very small (50-gram)
pentolite booster. The body of the
charge is made from pressed fiberglass, as is the standoff sleeve.
The standoff sleeve is scalloped on one end to allow it to stand on
irregular surfaces. The shaped
charge cavity is made from high-density glass rather than metal; this makes for
a larger, but less deep hole. It
also means that a second demolition charge may be used immediately after
detonation of the M2 shaped charge, because the resultant glass slug left in the
hole cools almost immediately and can be removed to place the second charge.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
M2A3/A4 |
Shaped Charge |
6.8 kg |
$225 |
C6 B10 |
Nil/36 |
16 |
M3A1 Shaped Demolition Charge
Notes: This is a
shaped charge used for breaching walls or cratering roads.
The original M3 charge had a 50/50 pentolite explosive filler, but this
was quickly replaced by the M3A1 which had a Composition B filler.
The casing of the M3A1 is of steel, with three steel legs welded onto the
bottom of the cone-shaped charge.
Most of the explosive force of the charge is channeled in one direction, and the
M3A1 is considered already tamped.
When used as a cratering charge, the planting of a conventional charge to widen
the hole usually follows the M3A1.
By laying the charge on its side, the M3A1 can also be used as an impromptu
Claymore mine, or blow a clearing in jungle or forest of 9x30 meters.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
M3A1 |
Shaped Charge |
18.14 kg |
$800 |
C9 B18 |
Nil/128 |
26 |
M112 C4 Demolition Block
Notes: This is a
standard plastic explosive block in the US and several of its allies.
It measures 25x50x275mm. One
face has an adhesive strip already applied to it, enabling the block to be stuck
where desired.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped0 |
M112 C4 Demolition Block |
Plastic Explosive |
0.5 kg |
$15 |
C6 B20 |
3/12 |
3 |
M118 Flex-Ex Demolition Block
Notes: This is a
standard US block of plastic explosive, measuring 30x80x312mm.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
M118 Flex-Ex Demolition Block |
Plastic Explosive |
1 kg |
$30 |
C8 B20 |
8/16 |
6 |
M150 Penetration Augmented Munition (PAM)
Notes: The PAM
was designed for special operations forces to destroy structures like bridges
and put craters in roads and runways.
It was the result of a Livermore Laboratory project to develop a
cratering device for the Air Force, which resulted in a 2000 pound bomb; the
concept was scaled down into a man-portable device.
The PAM is placed against the structure to be demolished, and explosive
bots are fired, pinning the PAM in place.
A three-stage charge is then detonated: a Tandem Forward Charge (TFC)
consisting of two charges is fired, with a forward charge cutting rebar and
reinforcements, and a hole-drilling charge, which makes a cavity in the
structure. A Follow-Through Charge (FTC) is then fired into the cavity and
detonated, blowing a large hole into the structure.
On a bridge, for example, this would result in the structural member that
is damaged losing 75% of its load-bearing ability.
The hole blown in the structure or road can then be packed with
conventional explosive and made larger, if necessary.
The PAM can do the work of 90 kilograms of conventional explosives and
reduce a 7-man task to a one-man task.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
M150 PAM |
Shaped Charge/HE |
15.88 kg |
$1482 |
C17 B22 |
Nil/237 |
72 |
Mk 1 Cable and Chain Cutter
Notes: This is a
special type of charge designed specifically to cut heavy chains and cables
which are beyond the capabilities tool-based cable, chain, or lock cutters, such
as ship anchor chains and bridge cables.
The first version, the Mk 1 Mod 0, was first used in 1942 during
Operation Torch; this was replaced by the Mk 1 Mod 1, which is still being used.
The primary difference between the Mod 0 and Mod 1 are the explosives
used in the charge, with C3 being used for the Mod 0 and C4 used in the Mod 1.
The charge comes in a U-shaped case, with an internal V-shaped liner to
form a shaped charge with a built-in standoff for maximum effect.
The container is typically shipped empty with the explosive in a separate
compartment of the shipping container, and filled by the users, packed around
the V-shaped liner as necessary.
This means that more or less explosive may be used as necessary, but the
statistics below are for a full charge and lesser charges may be extrapolated
from this. Due to the nature of the
charge, it is automatically considered tamped.
The container is shaped like a thick horseshoe magnet, and the ends have
spring-loaded securing hooks to allow attachment to the target.
The kit also has a wooden handle at the apex of the horseshoe-shape to
allow the user to tighten the hooks and springs as necessary.
At the base of the wooden handle is a charge well which accepts standard
blasting caps, primercord, firing devices, or timers.
The Mk 1 charge may operate underwater to a maximum depth of 30 feet (6.1
meters), with further depths limiting effectiveness due to water pressure.
The charge may be kept underwater for no more than 3 hours without
compromising it. Both the Mk 1 Mod
0 and Mod 1 are identical for game purposes.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Mk 1 Cable and Chain Cutter |
Shaped Charge |
1.7 kg |
C2 B4 |
Nil/27 |
5 |
Mk 8 Flexible Linear Demolition Charge
Notes: Also
known as the Mk 8 Explosive Hose or Mk 8 Demolition Hose, the Mk 8 is
essentially a length of fabric-reinforced rubber hose (similar to a firehose)
filled with explosive. The Mk 8 Mod
0 is based on TNT, while the Mk 8 Mod 3 is based on Composition A-3 plastic
explosive. (The Mod 2 and Mod 3 are
essentially the same, except for the end caps.)
Each end has end caps appropriate to the type of explosive. The Mod 0
uses one end cap with female coupling that has a charge well for a blasting cap
or other firing device, and the other end has a male coupling that has a small
TNT booster allowing it to be connected to another Mk 8 Mod 0 charge or a bail
loop for towing or anchoring it.
The end caps of the Mk 8 Mod 2 both are of the slip ring/locking ball type,
meaning that a bail loop or blasting charge could be attached to either end, and
no tools were required for their use.
It also meant that the connections broke frequently or jammed due to
dirt, mud, or sand. The Mk 8 Mod 3
end caps use threaded fittings, but are otherwise the same.
Mk 8 charges are quite useful as cutting charges, as flexible Bangalore
Torpedo-type charges, or to clear paths through minefields.
They may also be formed into a unique type of charge pattern known as a
mat-weave, where ten such charges are laid out in a net pattern and lashed
together; these are often used to blow away coral reefs or rocks to form a boat
channel (or ship channel, if enough Mk 8s are used).
A standard Mk 8 charge is 7.62 meters (25 feet) long.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Mk 8 Mod 0 |
34 kg |
$1358 |
C35 B142 |
22/76 |
17 |
Mk 8 Mod 2/3 |
Plastic Explosive |
34 kg |
$1591 |
C41 B165 |
26/88 |
20 |
Mk 20 Demolition Charge
Notes: This
World War 2-era demolition charge was designed specifically for Naval Combat
Demolition Units, the predecessors of the UDTs and SEALs.
It was first used at Normandy, and is perhaps better known as a Hagensen
Pack, after the inventor of the charge.
The Mk 20 is based on the then-new plastic explosive Composition C2, and
a second then-new item, primercord.
Though first examples of the Mk 20 were quite crude, they were quickly refined.
The Mk 20 Mod 0 uses a 2-pound (0.91-kilogram) block of C2 in a canvas
container, with a charge well for the insertion of primercord and some 5 feet
(1.52 meters) more wrapped around the block, with an additional 6 feet (1.83
meters) of primercord wrapped around the container.
3.5 feet (1.07 meters) of sash cord were attached to the pack for lashing
it to obstacles, with a metal hook at the end of the sash cord.
The Mk 20 can be used for series detonation by unwrapping the primercord
from around the canvas container and inserting it in the next Mk 20 charge, and
so on. The Mk 20 was so successful
and useful that it remained in the US Navy inventory for decades, though it was
updated first by replacing the block of C2 with C3 (the Mod 2), and then C4 (the
Mod 3). The different explosives
are identical for game stat purposes; however, C2 is 40% likely go explode if
hit by small arms fire, and tends to break down in hot conditions.
C3 may also go off if hit by small arms fire, but the resultant explosion
will only at 1/4 strength, and it is much less sensitive to heat.
C4 is insensitive to heat or small arms fire.
The Mk 20 is
often found carried in a modified haversack for 60mm mortar shells, called the
Mk 127 Demolition Charge. The
haversack has pockets for twenty Mk 20 charges, and either side of the haversack
is a 10-foot (3.05-meter) sash cord for general use, along with a metal securing
hook. The Mk 127 could be used
simply to carry Mk 20 charges, or the charges may be connected together and the
Mk 127 used as a huge demolition charge, or any number of the twenty charges
used. The statistics below are for
the entire twenty charges being used as one.
A Mk 135
Demolition Charge is a special haversack for Mk 20 charges designed specifically
for UDT swimmers. It has a
floatation bladder contained within the haversack, which is adjustable for
buoyancy. On top of the haversack
is a long, adjustable shoulder strap, and underneath is a tow ring, to which any
number of Mk 135 haversacks may be attached.
Like the Mk 127, the Mk 135 could be used as one giant charge or simply
to carry Mk 20 charges; in addition, several such haversacks could be connected
together to create truly huge explosions if necessary.
The Mod 0 versions, based on Mk 20 Mod 0 or Mod 1 charges, could not be
carried underwater for more than three hours due to the nature of the C2 or C3
explosives; the Mk 135 Mod 1, used with Mk 20 Mod 3 charges, did not have this
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Mk 20 |
Plastic Explosive |
1.35 kg |
$107 |
C14 B32 |
11/36 |
17 |
Mk 127 |
Plastic Explosive |
23.13 kg |
$1833 |
C280 B640 |
220/720 |
340 |
Mk 135 |
Plastic Explosive |
11.11 kg |
$881 |
C140 B320 |
110/360 |
170 |
Mk 34 Demolition Charge
Notes: This
improved version of the Mk 20 charge is of World War 2 design.
The changes from the Mk 20 were primarily to facilitate manufacture and
application. The Mod 0 version is a
2.5-pound (1.13-kilogram) block of C3 plastic explosive in a rectangular cotton
duck bag, with a 9-foot (2.74-meter) length of primercord for detonating and as
a booster charge. 3 feet (0.91
meters) of this primercord is wrapped around the C3 charge to serve as booster
charge. The bag has the remaining
primercord looped and secured on one end of the bag, and the other end has a
3-foot (0.91-meter) length of sash cord with a flat hook for securing it to
items to be destroyed. If
necessary, the charge inside can be removed and placed in direct contact with
the item to be demolished, and it can be shaped as necessary if removed from the
bag. The Mod 1 charge is identical,
but uses C4 instead of C3. The Mod
1 charge is normally not issued separately, but is issued as a part of the Mk
137 demolition charge assembly.
The Mk 137
demolition charge assembly is contained in a large canvas field pack containing
ten Mk 34 Mod 0 or Mod 1 charges.
It has an adjustable flotation bladder, and the floatation bladder may be
carried in the top flap of the field pack or the bottom of it, to make the
charge float face up or face down.
One side of the pack has a 17-foot (5.18-meter) length of sash cord with a flat
hook attached to it. The other side
of the pack has a flat hook attached directly to the pack and a snubber assembly
(a metal strap with a notch cut into it and a piece of spring steel riveted over
the notch) near the bottom of that side.
The pack also contains a total of 90 feet (27.34 meters) of primercord,
with 30 feet (9.14 meters) used as booster charges for the Mk 34 charges and the
rest used for detonation and looped and secured to one side of the pack.
The stats below are for the Mk 137 being used as one massive charge, but
any number of Mk 34 charges may be removed and used individually.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Mk 34 |
Plastic Explosive |
1.56 kg |
$133 |
C16 B36 |
12/40 |
19 |
Mk 137 |
Plastic Explosive |
12.56 kg |
$1071 |
C160 B360 |
120/400 |
190 |
Mk 36 Mod 1 Demolition Charge
Notes: The Mk 36
Mod 1 is a pan-shaped limpet mine designed primarily for sabotage of shipping by
divers. The pan-shaped aluminum
body of the charge has a wide flange around the rim of it; this flange has six
powerful curved magnets, in essence making it a type of limpet mine.
The charge’s explosive is based upon H-6 high explosive, which is quite a
bit more powerful than plastic explosive.
In addition, the Mk 36 Mod 1 is considered tamped, due to its design.
The casing of the charge has two charge wells, each with internal booster
charges. These can accept firing charges
or devices or antidisturbance devices.
An activator well on the rear end of the casing has a further booster
charge and accepts the Mk 39 Mod 0 arming and safety device as well as any
additional fuzing or firing devices required for the mission.
Mk 36 Mod 1 charges have been known to totally break the keel of a
small-to-medium warship, and blow gaping holes in larger ones.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Mk 36 Mod 1 (Above Water) |
High Explosive |
4.76 kg |
$168 |
C18 B46 |
NA/35 |
13 |
Mk 36 Mod 1 (Below Water) |
High Explosive |
4.76 kg |
$168 |
C20 B52 |
NA/40 |
13 |
Mk 40 Mod 0 Depth Charge
Notes: This is
essentially a massive concussion grenade, developed by the SEALs for use against
enemy swimmers, and also having on-land applications.
The charge is pressure-fuzed; throwing it in the water closes a switch
which starts a 6-second delay. This
means that if thrown into water less than 4 meters deep, it probably will not
detonate without an external sympathetic explosion (such as another standard
grenade or detonator). The Mk 40
Mod 0 can be set to actually go off anywhere from 6 seconds to 30 minutes later.
The concussion and blast figures below are for an underwater explosion,
if used with an external detonator and exploded above land, halve the concussion
and double the burst radius.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Mk 40 Mod 0 |
Plastic Explosive |
1.63 kg |
$49 |
C10 B24 |
10/20 |
7 |
Mk 70 Mod 0/Mk 5 Mod 0 LAM
Notes: The Mk 70
Mod 0 Explosive Charge is the explosive module of the Mk 5 Mod 0 LAM (Limpet
Assembly, Modular). The Mk 70 takes
the form of a 12-inch-long, 16.5-inch wide canister with four rings around the
canister for reinforcement due to the huge amount of explosive it contains.
The explosive is 50 pounds (22.68 kilograms) of H-6 high explosive, which
is one of the more powerful demolitions explosives.
Surrounding the charge is an annular flotation chamber (it goes around
the charge, but not on top or the bottom of it); this chamber gives the Mk 70
neutral buoyancy in sea water, but additional buoyancy aids must attached in
fresh water. Due to the design of
the Mk 70, it is automatically considered tamped if placed properly, though if
it is simply laid on a surface, it is not tamped.
The Mk 5 Mod 0
LAM kit contains a V-band coupler which is used to connect multiple Mk 70
charges together (and holds in place a clamp for a protective cap for the H-6
explosive’s face). Another V-band
coupler is also in the kit, to attach a control/detonation unit to the charge.
The V-band couplers are equipped with special breakaway nuts that may be
tightened, then the hex portion broken off, making the clamp assembly virtually
impossible to loosen if it is discovered by the enemy.
The Mk 5 Mod 0 LAM kit also contains various detonation, delay, timing,
and priming devices.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Mk 70 Mod 0 (Above Water) |
High Explosive |
33.57 kg |
$1185 |
C62 B160 |
30/121 |
45 |
Mk 70 Mod 0 (Below Water) |
High Explosive |
33.57 kg |
$1185 |
C69 B180 |
34/138 |
45 |
Mk 133 Chain Charge
Notes: Also of
World War 2 vintage, the Mk 133 was designed to address some of the failings of
the M1 chain charge. The Mk 133 Mod
0 and Mod 1 versions use TNT blocks; the Mod 0 uses a further TNT booster
pellet, while the Mod 1 uses a 50/50 pentolite booster pellet.
Mod 2 versions use blocks of HBX-1 explosive, but use the same 50/50
pentolite booster pellet. The Mk
133 consists of eight blocks of explosive, each 12 inches (30.48 centimeters)
long, and are cast around a long primercord.
The entire charge is 17.5 feet (5.32 meters) long, but a further 5 feet
(1.52 meters) of primercord extend from each end of the charge.
The Mk 133 is contained within a waterproof canvas haversack containing a
flotation bladder which may be deflated or adjusted for the proper buoyancy
required. Several of these charges
may be joined together to form a longer charge, but the statistics below are for
a single charge. The charge is also
equipped with a 10-foot (3.05-meter) cord at either end of the charge to
facilitate lashing to objects, and on opposite sides of the haversack are two
metal hooks to do the same thing.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Mk 133 Mod 0/1 |
13.25 kg |
$623 |
C71 B144 |
58/219 |
47 |
Mk 133 Mod 2 |
Pentolite |
13.25 kg |
$922 |
C86 B174 |
71/266 |
57 |
Mk 138 Mod 1 Demolition Charge Assembly
Notes: This
charge pack was developed towards the end of World War 2 and is still in use
today. It contains ten Mk 35 C4
charges (the Mk 35s may be used separately, but are not issued separately).
The charges are placed in the same field pack as the Mk 137 demolition
charge assembly, except that the adjustable flotation bladder is permanently
sewn into the top flap of the pack.
It is designed primarily for underwater demolition, but is also suitable for
demolition on land. A Mk 35 charge
is a 2.5-pound (1.13-kilogram) block of C4 in a waterproof cloth bag, with 3
feet (0.91 meters) of primercord wrapped around it, and a further 9 feet (2.75
meters) of primercord attached for use as an explosive lead.
Each Mk 35 charge bag has a sash cord attached to one side with a flat
hook at the end of it, and webbing loops on the other side to enable it to be
lashed to the item to be demolished.
The Mk 35 charges may be used individually, or as part of a larger
charge. Several Mk 138 Mod 1
demolition charge assemblies may also be connected together to produce even
larger explosions.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Mk 35 |
Plastic Explosive |
1.56 kg |
$133 |
C16 B36 |
12/40 |
19 |
Mk 138 Mod 1 |
Plastic Explosive |
12.56 kg |
$1071 |
C160 B360 |
120/400 |
190 |
PN-4 Demolition Charge
Notes: This is a
Czechoslovakian-made block of Tritol used for general demolition work.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
PN-4 |
Plastic Explosive |
6.4 kg |
$650 |
C40 B44 |
20/80 |
128 |
PN-14 Demolition Charge
Notes: This is a
massive satchel charge used by Czech forces.
It is often broken into smaller sections, but is ready-fused to be used
as one charge. The Hexogen used in
the charge is little more efficient than dynamite.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
PN-14 |
Hexogen |
22 kg |
$1450 |
C60 B52 |
30/120 |
288 |
Notes: A
rope-like plastic explosive used in various demolition jobs.
Primercord can be wrapped around conduits or small girders to sever them
or taped to a wall (In a circle) to blow an entry hole.
It can also be used to link other explosive charges together for almost
instantaneous detonation (it will detonate other explosives by itself, without
the need for a blasting cap).
Primercord itself requires a blasting cap for detonation, though it will burn in
a non-explosive manner with conventional lighting.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Primercord, 1 meter |
Plastic Explosive |
0.5 kg |
$15 |
C1 B2 |
3/12 |
3 |
Russian Prepared Demolitions Charges
Notes: These are
Russian plastic explosive blocks and satchel charges.
Smaller blocks are used in canvas bags to form satchel charges.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Small Block |
Plastic Explosive |
0.07 kg |
$2 |
C2 B12 |
1/5 |
0.4 |
Medium Block |
Plastic Explosive |
0.2 kg |
$6 |
C4 B20 |
2/8 |
1 |
Large Block |
Plastic Explosive |
0.4 kg |
$12 |
C5 B20 |
3/11 |
2 |
1 kg Satchel Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
1.2 kg |
$50 |
C8 B20 |
4/16 |
6 |
3 kg Satchel Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
3.25 kg |
$110 |
C16 B36 |
8/30 |
18 |
5 kg Satchel Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
5.25 kg |
$170 |
C19 B36 |
10/39 |
30 |
SMI Instant Cratering Charge
Notes: This
charge takes only 5 minutes to emplace -- but a hole must have been bored or
blown ahead of time. It is,
however, capable of blowing a crater 10 meters wide and 2 1/2 meters deep.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
SMI Instant Cratering Charge |
HE |
21.5 kg |
$600 |
C39 B44 |
19/78 |
120 |
SMI Rapid Cratering Kits
Notes: Several
NATO countries also use these Austrian-made kits.
A kit typically comes in cases that contain the hole charge or the actual
cratering charge. Hole charges are
cylindrical HEAT charges; cratering charges contain egg-shaped HE charges (with
the exception of the 12/28CA, which is a tube-shaped plastic explosive charge).
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
01/11C Hole Charge |
16 kg |
$685 |
C5 B10 |
Nil/200 |
41 |
02/4C Hole Charge |
7 kg |
$280 |
C3 B6 |
Nil/120 |
24 |
03/2C Hole Charge |
5 kg |
$145 |
C2 B4 |
Nil/80 |
16 |
08/1C Hole Charge |
2 kg |
$60 |
C1 B3 |
Nil/60 |
12 |
11/14CA Cratering Charge |
HE |
15 kg |
$420 |
C32 B44 |
16/64 |
84 |
12/20T Cratering Charge |
HE |
21.5 kg |
$600 |
C39 B44 |
19/78 |
120 |
12/28CA Cratering Charge |
Plastic Explosive |
28 kg |
$840 |
C46 B44 |
23/92 |
168 |
Tactical Nuclear Device, Portable
A standard
nuclear weapon, suitable for use by special forces or atomic demolition
munitions personnel, packaged in a standard nylon backpack.
US and Soviet weapons are virtually identical for game purposes.
This weapon requires a separate chemical detonator, five minutes, and
Warhead skill to arm and disarm.
The timer can be adjusted to detonate anywhere from 10 seconds to 12 hours
afterward. The radiation dissipates
quickly to 375 rads in 24 hours and a mere 23.43 within 48 hours.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
Tactical Nuclear Device, Portable |
Nuclear |
3 kg Detonator, 22 kg Device |
$2,500,000 |
Crater 100 m, Fireball 500 m, Total Destruction 470 m, Heavy Destruction
680 m, Medium Destruction 1042 m, Light Destruction 1303 m, Radiation
Cloud 1500 m; Initial Rads 6000, Half-Life 6 h |
Special |
Special |
US 40-Pound Cratering Charge
Notes: This
charge, based primarily on ammonium nitrate and with a TNT booster, is used for
post-assault demolitions or to prepare defensive earthworks.
It is not considered suitable for assault use or when quick explosions
are needed, due to the long time required for preparation and its comparative
instability and vulnerability to small arms fire and overpressure.
The charge normally comes packed inside a wooden box; inside this box is
a metal can containing the actual charge.
This can is airtight since the ammonium nitrate filler can be destroyed
or reduced in effectiveness by moisture (including high humidity).
The charge is difficult to detonate; some 25% of the center of the can is
taken up by a TNT booster, which actually detonates the ammonium nitrate.
A further 1-pound (0.45-kilogram) charge of plastic explosive, TNT, or
primercord, with blasting cap, is further required to set off the charge.
To maintain the integrity of the airtight container, there is no fuze or
charge well; instead, there is a cleat at the top of the can over the central
TNT charge, and this has two small tunnels, one for a blasting cap and one for
the end of a primercord. There is
also a wide steel ring circling the top rim of the can, for use in handling the
explosive. This charge requires a
hole large enough for the can (which is 21 centimeters wide and 43.2 centimeters
long) to be bored prior to the use of the charge; the charge is placed in the
hole. The charge is considered
tamped unless it is not placed in such a hole.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
40-Pound Cratering Charge |
High Explosive |
19.5 kg |
$453 |
C28 B114 |
18/62 |
61 |
US TNT Blocks
Notes: These
were in common use by the US until satchel charges and plastic explosives became
common, and they can still be found in use by US client states and by civilian
firms such as oil well firefighters, miners, building demolishers, and others
who use explosives professionally.
The blocks are prepared with fuse wells, but a blasting cap and fusing must be
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
1/4-Pound TNT Block |
0.11 kg |
$4 |
C2 B12 |
1/5 |
1/2 |
1/2-Pound TNT Block |
0.23 kg |
$9 |
C3 B12 |
2/7 |
1 |
1-Pound TNT Block |
0.45 kg |
$18 |
C5 B20 |
3/11 |
2 |
8-Pound TNT Block |
3.63 kg |
$145 |
C14 B58 |
9/31 |
7 |
UTN-2/UTN-600 Linear Shaped Charge
This is a
cutting charge found in 200mm strips that can be linked together (usually using
primercord). The UTN-2 is a newer
version that uses TNT; the UTN-600 is an older, lighter 100mm charge of Hexogen.
Weapon |
Type |
Weight |
Price |
Damage |
Pen (Untamped/Tamped) |
UTN-2 |
Shaped Charge |
2.8 kg |
$200 |
C7 B14 |
Nil/30 |
18 |
UTN-600 |
Shaped Charge |
1.45 kg |
$85 |
C5 B14 |
Nil/20 |
8 |