
APC: Armor Piercing Capped, a large solid round for armor penetrating, with a ballistic cap to improve aerodynamics and increase speed.

APERS: AntiPERSonnel, designed to produce a large number of fragments to kill exposed personnel.

APFSDS: Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot, a small, dense penetrator propelled by a large charge. This round is extremely fast and penetrates well.

APHE: Armor Piercing High Explosive, a round designed to penetrate armor with a large explosion.

BB: Base Bleed, a round designed to bleed gas into the base of the round during flight to fill the vacuum normally at the rear of the round that normally produces a drag on the round. This increases range.

Chaff: A round that dispenses strips of metal that disrupt radar. All radar use is three levels harder against targets in the burst area for 2 minutes after the round bursts.

CHEM: CHEMical, including poison gas, irritant gas, and smoke.

CLGP: Cannon Launched Guided Projectile, a smart round guided by laser. The target must be illuminated by a laser rangefinder or designator it's entire flight. Normally, when attacking armor, these projectiles hit the top armor; treat as a Tank Breaker for hit determination.

ER: Extended Range, a round aerodynamically designed to cut through the air better during flight to produce more range.

ERFB: Extended Range Full Bore, as the ER round above, and in addition for round has a gas expansion ring to seal the bore upon detonation of the propelling charge, causing the round to be forced out of the gun at a higher speed.

ERSC: Extended Range Shell Casing, the same principle as the ER round.

FASCAM: FAmily of SCAtterable Mines, a round that distributes mines in the burst area. There are two types: ADAM (Area DeniAL Munition) that drops 9 antipersonnel mines, and RAAM (Remote Anti-Armor Mine), that distributes 6 antitank mines. These mines to not arm until they touch the ground.

HE: High Explosive, a round packed with explosive filler to produce a large explosion.

HEAT: High Explosive Anti Tank, a round with a shaped charge to burn through armor with a jet of hot plasma.

ICM: Improved Conventional Munition, a hollow round filled with grenades to saturate the burst area with fragmentation explosives. ICM is effective only against exposed personnel and soft-skinned vehicles.

ICM-DP: Improved Conventional Munition-Dual Purpose, a round filled as ICM, but with grenades that can penetrate armor as well as kill personnel and soft-skinned vehicles.

ILLUM: ILLUMination, a round where the burst radius is lit up by a brilliant parachute flare or star shell. The area is lit as if by daylight, and the secondary burst area is lit as if by twilight.

Jammer: A round that deposits a device to jam radio transmission in the burst area. All those trying to transmit on enemy radio frequencies in the area of the jamming must roll Formidable: Electronics or Impossible: Intelligence to successfully get a transmission through. Frequency hopping radios may roll at one difficulty level easier. This device burns out in one hour.

Ogre ICM-DP: This version of ICM has a penetration of 18 and a larger burst area. The round contains two submunitions, and attacks the two closest vehicles to its burst point within its burst radius. If no vehicles are within that radius, the rounds explode like normal ICM.

RAP: Rocket Assisted Projectile, a conventional with a rocket package to extend range.

SADARM: Sense And Destroy ARMor, a round containing smart submunitions to attack armor from above. A SADARM round contains 2 submunitions. Each submunition attacks random targets within the burst radius with an attack roll of 12. The submunitions have a penetration of 25. Rounds that miss hit the ground as per the scatter diagram and explode like an ICM round.

WP: White Phosphorus, a round with incendiary fragments.


75mm CHEM: Weight: 5.98 kg; Price: $85 (R/R)

75mm HE: Weight: 6.04 kg; Price: $85 (R/R)


88mm 25-Pounder AP: Weight: 20.1 kg; Price: $280 (R/R)

88mm 25-Pounder APERS: Weight: 14.6 kg; Price: $200 (R/R)

88mm 25-Pounder CHEM: Weight: 16.3 kg; Price: $225 (R/R)

88mm 25-Pounder HE: Weight: 15.2 kg; Price: $215 (R/R)

88mm 25-Pounder HEAT: Weight: 13.6 kg; Price: $215 (R/R)

88mm 25-Pounder ILLUM: Weight: 17.7 kg; Price: $250 (R/R)


98mm Romanian HE OF-402: Weight: 18 kg; Price: $255 (-/R)

98mm Romanian HE OF-403: Weight: 18 kg; Price: $255 (-/R)

98mm Romanian HEAT: Weight: 16 kg; Price: $250 (-/R)


105mm NATO APERS: Weight: 17.45 kg; Price: $240 (S/R)

105mm NATO CHEM: Weight: 19.47 kg; Price: $270 (R/-)

105mm NATO HE: Weight: 18.1 kg; Price: $255 (S/R)

105mm NATO HE BB: Weight: 14.4 kg; Price: $335 (R/-)

105mm NATO HE ER: Weight: 15.5 kg; Price: $220 (R/-)

105mm NATO HE RAP: Weight: 19.9 kg; Price: $305 (S/R)

105mm NATO HEAT: Weight: 16.23 kg; Price: $255 (R/-)

105mm NATO ICM-DP: Weight: 19.05 kg; Price: $1530 (R/-)

105mm NATO ICM-DP RAP: 20.96 kg; Price: $1830 (R/-)

105mm NATO ILLUM: Weight: 21.06 kg; Price: $295 (S/R)

105mm NATO ILLUM RAP: Weight: 23.17 kg; Price: $350 (R/-)

105mm NATO WP: Weight: 19.47 kg; Price: $510 (S/R)

105mm NATO WP RAP: Weight: 21.42 kg; Price: $610 (R/-)

105mm NATO Powder Charge: Weight: 7 kg; Price: $30 (C/S)


122mm Russian CHEM: Weight: 22.25 kg; Price: $310 (R/S)

122mm Russian CLGP: Weight: 27 kg; Price: $4000 (-/R)

122mm Russian ERFB HE: Weight: 30.22 kg; Price: $560 (R/S)

122mm Russian HE: Weight: 28.5 kg; Price: $400 (S/C)

122mm Russian HEAT: Weight: 26 kg; Price: $400 (R/S)

122mm Russian ICM: Weight: 28.5 kg; Price: $2200 (-/R)

122mm Russian ICM-DP: Weight: 28.5 kg; Price: $2400 (-/R)

122mm Russian ILLUM: Weight: 26.6 kg; Price: $370 (R/R)

122mm Russian VHF Jammer: Weight: 30 kg; Price: $4000 (-/R)

122mm Russian WP: Weight: 26.1 kg; Price: $800 (R/S)

122mm Russian Powder Charge: Weight: 10 kg; Price: $40 (C/V)


130mm Gun/Howitzer APC: Weight: 59.1 kg; Price: $830 (-/R)

130mm Gun/Howitzer APFSDS: Weight: 55 kg; Price: $1105 (R/S)

130mm Gun/Howitzer APHE: Weight: 56 kg; Price: $1260 (R/S)

130mm Gun/Howitzer CHEM: Weight: 47.92 kg; Price: $665 (R/S)

130mm Gun/Howitzer CLGP: Weight: 58.94 kg; Price: $8730 (-/-)

130mm Gun/Howitzer HE: Weight: 59.1 kg; Price: $830 (R/S)

130mm Gun/Howitzer HEAT: Weight: 54.92 kg; Price: $830 (R/S)

130mm Gun/Howitzer HE ERFB: Weight: 58.4 kg; Price: $985 (-/R)

130mm Gun/Howitzer HE ERFB-BB: Weight: 59 kg; Price: $1170 (-/R)

130mm Gun/Howitzer ICM-DP: Weight: 58.67 kg; Price: $4980 (-/R)

130mm Gun/Howitzer Powder Charge: Weight: 21 kg; Price: $52 (S/C)


140mm 5.5" CHEM: Weight: 44.4 kg; Price: $620 (R/R)

140mm 5.5" HE: Weight: 54.8 kg; Price: $550 (R/R)

140mm 5.5" ILLUM: Weight: 51.1 kg; Price: $505 (R/R)

140mm 5.5" Powder Charge: Weight: 23 kg; Price: $55 (S/S)


152mm Gun/Howitzer APHE: Weight: 56.38 kg; Price: $1255 (R/S)

152mm Gun/Howitzer CHEM: Weight: 48.25 kg; Price: $675 (R/S)

152mm Gun/Howitzer HE BB: Weight: 57.27 kg; Price: $810 (R/S)

152mm Gun/Howitzer HE ER: Weight: 55.79 kg; Price: $705 (R/S)

152mm Gun/Howitzer HEAT: Weight: 53 kg; Price: $595 (S/C)

152mm Gun/Howitzer HE: Weight: 59.5 kg; Price: $595 (S/C)

152mm Gun/Howitzer ICM: Weight: 60.73 kg; Price: $3270 (-/R)

152mm Gun/Howitzer ICM-DP: Weight: 60.73 kg; Price: $3570 (R/S)

152mm Gun/Howitzer ICM-DP BB: Weight: 62.93 kg; Price: $4980 (-/R)

152mm Gun/Howitzer ILLUM: Weight: 55.52 kg; Price: $550 (R/S)

152mm Gun/howitzer Krasnopol CLGP: 50 kg; Price: $5950 (-/R)

152mm Gun/Howitzer MP-152 RAP: 55 kg; Price: $905 (R/S)

152mm Gun/Howitzer SADARM: Weight: 60.73 kg; Price: $9000 (-/-)

152mm Gun/Howitzer Santimetr CLGP: Weight: 49.5 kg; Price: $7150 (-/R)

152mm Gun/Howitzer VHF Jammer: Weight: 59.57 kg; Price: $5950 (-/R)

152mm Gun/Howitzer WP: Weight: 54.49 kg; Price: $1200 (S/C)

152mm Gun/Howitzer Powder Charge: Weight: 25 kg; Price: $60 (C/V)


155mm NATO BONUS: Weight: 62.6 kg; Price: $5280 (R/-)

155mm NATO Chaff-ERFB: Weight: 42.84 kg; Price: $645 (R/-)

155mm NATO CHEM: Weight: 44.68 kg; Price: $500 (S/R)

155mm CHEM RAP: Weight: 49.15 kg; Price: $790 (S/R)

155mm NATO FASCAM: Weight: 46.5 kg; Price: $4400 (S/R)

155mm FASCAM RAP: Weight: 51.15 kg; Price: $6970 (S/R)

155mm NATO HE: Weight: 43.88 kg; Price: $440 (C/S)

155mm NATO HE RAP: Weight: 48.27 kg; Price: $690 (C/S)

155mm NATO ERFB HE: Weight: 45.34 kg; Price: $555 (S/R)

155mm NATO ERFB-BB HE: Weight: 47.77 kg; Price: $715 (S/R)

155mm NATO HEAT: Weight: 40 kg; Price: $440 (S/R)

155mm NATO ICM-DP: Weight: 46.54 kg; Price: $2420 (C/S)

155mm NATO ICM-DP RAP: Weight: 51.19 kg; Price: $3820 (C/S)

155mm NATO ICM-DP ERFB: Weight: 45.3 kg; Price: $3050 (S/R)

155mm NATO ICM-DP ERFP-BB: Weight: 47.3 kg; Price: $3930 (S/R)

155mm NATO ILLUM: Weight: 46.75 kg; Price: $405 (S/R)

155mm NATO ILLUM ERFB: Weight: 45.5 kg; Price: $510 (R/-)

155mm NATO ILLUM ERFB-BB: Weight: 47.5 kg; Price: $655 (R/-)

155mm NATO Jammer: Weight: 46.26 kg; Price: $4440 (R/-)

155mm NATO Jammer RAP: Weight: 50.89 kg; Price: $7015 (-/-)

155mm NATO Ogre ICM-DP: Weight: 46.54 kg; Price: $2920 (R/-)

155mm NATO SADARM: Weight: 47 kg; Price: $6600 (R/-)

155mm NATO WP: Weight: 44.68 kg; Price: $690 (C/S)

155mm NATO WP ERFB: Weight: 43.49 kg; Price: $870 (S/R)

155mm NATO WP ERFB-BB: Weight: 45.4 kg; Price: $1115 (S/R)

155mm NATO WP RAP: Weight: 49.15 kg; Price: $1090 (C/S)

155mm NATO Powder Charge: Weight: 25 kg; Price: $60 (V/C)


175mm NATO CHEM: Weight: 87.57 kg; Price: $850 (S/R)

175mm NATO ERSC: Weight: 88.86 kg; Price: $1250 (R/-)

175mm NATO HE: Weight: 86 kg; Price: $750 (S/R)

175mm NATO HEAT: Weight: 88 kg; Price: $800 (R/-)

175mm NATO ILLUM: Weight: 82 kg; Price: $850 (S/R)

175mm NATO WP: Weight: 88 kg; Price: $750 (R/-)

175mm NATO Powder Charge: Weight: 43 kg; Price: $105 (C/S)


203mm NATO CHEM: Weight: 97.75 kg; Price: $1095 (S/R)

203mm NATO CHEM RAP: Weight: 107.53 kg; Price: $1540 (R/-)

203mm NATO HE: Weight: 96 kg; Price: $960 (S/R)

203mm NATO HE RAP: Weight: 105.6 kg; Price: $1350 (R/-)

203mm NATO HE ERFB-BB: Weight: 104.51 kg; Price: $2250 (R/-)

203mm NATO HE ERFB-HB: Weight: 99.19 kg; Price: $1800 (R/-)

203mm NATO ICM-DP: Weight: 97.69 kg; Price: $5280 (S/R)

203mm NATO ILLUM: Weight: 102.28 kg; Price: $885 (R/-)

203mm NATO WP: Weight: 97.75 kg; Price: $1500 (S/R)

203mm NATO Powder Charge: Weight: 55 kg; Price: $130 (C/S)


203mm Russian CHEM: Weight: 155 kg; Price: $1745 (R/S)

203mm Russian HE: Weight: 153 kg; Price: $1530 (R/S)